
Salam HEI !!!

Welcome to the website of ICT Based Management Research Group (KK IBM) Faculty of Economics and Business Telkom University. KK IBM’s journey began around 2014. KK IBM as a research group have 2 (two) sub research group : 1. Operation & ICT Management and 2. Marketing & Consumer Studies. Our concern are for the quality of research and community services.

This website provides information related to plan, activity, achievement in research & community services from the member ICT Based Management Research Group Faculty of Economics and Business, Telkom University. This website is our gathering way with all of our academic community member, management, lecturer, staff, students, alumni, stakeholders, as well as the society. May be useful for parties that require it.

Wassalamu’alaikum Wr. Wb.


Dr. Maya Ariyanti, SE., MM[:]